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Zylkene for Dogs and Cats under 10kgs

Zylkene for Dogs and Cats under 10kgs

Regular price $57.58
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Sale price $57.58
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Recommended as a support for balanced behaviour and may assist pets in staying relaxed in difficult, threatening or uncertain situations

Composition (providing Alpha-Casozepine): Maltodextrin, Casein (Trypsin hydrolysed bovine casein), Magnesium stearate

  • Useful for pets going through new, unusual or stressful events
  • Ideal for challenging events such as travelling, loud noise, new people including babies, separation, vet visits, introduction of new pets, parties and fireworks
  • Acts as an addition to pet diets and contains a natural product derived from casein (a protein in milk) which is known to promote relaxation
  • Lactose-free
  • Non-drowsy
  • No side effects
  • Can be given to nursing mothers and litters
  • Easy to give – can be given as a capsule or sprinkled on food
  • Highly palatable and well-accepted by pets

Recommended for

  • Pets in stressful situations
  • Vet consultation advised if animal still struggles with anxiety whilst on Zylkene 
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