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Passwell Complete Lorikeet

Passwell Complete Lorikeet

Regular price $11.49
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Passwell Complete Lorikeet is a completely balanced maintenance food and may represent upto 80% of a lorikeet's diet. The remainder of the diet should be made up of a variety of fresh fruits & vegetables and as much native blossom as possible.

Feed Complete Lorikeet dry (recommended), or mix with warm water to a desired consistency. Note that the addition of water will increase the rate of spoilage by micro-organisms.

Remove soiled or uneaten food daily and replace with fresh food. Some lorikeets will load their drinking water with dry food so always ensure that fresh water is available. 

Feeding Guide

Caged birds tend to over-eat and become obese when offered an unlimited supply of food. It is a healthier, and more economical practice to establish your birds' daily food requirement and feed that amount.

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